November 1, 2013

Na Pali Coast ‘Ohana to give public presentation and update about our recent stewardship at Nu‘alolo Kai, Nov. 7, 6pm, Hanapepe Library, Kauai

Malama Wall
Aloha everyone,

Please join us at the Hanapepe Library, Thursday, November 7, at 6pm for a public presentation regarding our Na Pali Coast ‘Ohana work at Nu‘alolo Kai, Kauai. This is a group presentation so ‘Ohana members will talk about their special roles such as site restoration with Native Hawaiian plants and architecture. We'll also be talking about the philosophy behind our group's values and methodology.

Please join us!

Mahalo for visiting my little blog!
Mālama pono, a hui hou,
 ~ Victoria 

NPCO SWATeam May 2013
Mahalo to Mara Mulrooney for the photo